+49 3632 828233 fulfillment@aimplify.com


in crowdfunding

A real challenge with the NICHTLUSTIG crowdfunding was the shipping of the signed posters. Joscha should be able to sign them in one go if possible - however, since there was an individual name on each poster, we always had to be able to track which supporter the respective poster was for.


First, the shipping rolls were labeled with barcode stickers and the order numbers.


A copy of the barcode sticker was pasted on the back of the posters and scanned...


...whereby Joscha was shown the signing request on a monitor by a small additional program. At the same time, as a little gimmick, the program took a picture via webcam of Joscha signing the poster and automatically sent it to the respective supporter.


Finally, the signed poster was packed...


...and the next day packed and shipped with the other rewards.